Supply Chain Management SCM

Supply Chain Management SCM Program

The SCM program is considered important for companies as the awareness of SCM added values and the interest in implementing SCM is increasing. Due to the added values of SCM concept to the business such as the impact on direct cost items and some of the indirect cost elements, which is ultimately reflected on the bottom-line business results. Every riyal or dollar saved due to SCM activities is a NET profit.

The program provides an explanation of the SCM concept and the potential added values due to have in it in place, and the basic skills of supply chain management cadres that enable them to play an impacting role and add values to both business total cost and to SCM processes efficiency, hence reflected on business Profitability RATIOS and Financial Efficiency RATIOS.

The program aims to describe how to structure / restructure the SCM function, how to draft the description of key department jobs, the general content/ outline of the standard Operational Manual for Supply Chain Management. The program focuses on the practical side of SCM by training / qualifying participants on quantitative and qualitative SPA analysis techniques of purchasing records / data such as ABC analysis, cost center analysis, risky/complex etc which all to be employed in developing a SCM sourcing plan. The SCM sourcing plan prime objective is to focus on creating some saving/ cost avoidance opportunities, supply sustainability, and in developing supply chain efficiency indicators.

برنامج إدارة سلاسل الإمداد -Supply Chain Management SCM

The program serves in budling a common understanding about SCM roles and alignment between SCM cadres, managers, and CEOs for better supply decisions making/ taking  that are reflected on bottom line business results.

The supply chain management program consists of the following pillars:

  1. Introduction: The Supply Chain Management Concept and Expected Role (Why SCM).
  2. The role of the executive management/ leadership in making positive change and the structuring mission of SCM function.
  3. SCM key results and focus areas “ KRA’s”, and key performance indicators “KPI’s”.
  4. The fundamentals of Sourcing and the Sourcing Model.
  5. Spending Pool Analysis “SPA” quantitative & qualitative Analysis; ABC analysis, cost center analysis, risky/complex etc.
  6. Formulating the Operational Plan for SCM and Savings/ Cost Development Opportunities.
  7. The framework of the Standard Operation Manual “SOP” for Supply Chain Management.

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