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Alsufyani Business Consulting

Restructuring - Performance Development - Applied Executive Management Training

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Al Sufyani Online

Training courses and programs - Books - Administrative forms - Operational manuals and policies - Procedures

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Service Features - Added Value

السفياني للاستشارات الإدارية - alsufyani business consulting

Quality & Assessment Accuracy

The quality and accuracy of the assessment and gap analysis is a fundamental strength of our service. The quality of work is a function of the quality of assessment; wrong assessment lead to misleading conclusion and wrong solutions…

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Knowhow & Knowledge Transfer

We partner with our client’s team in the company in all restructuring project phases (assessment / corrective actions and preparation / relevant solutions development / initial implementation and test / revision /  audit and compliance qualification / final submittal)…

السفياني للاستشارات الإدارية - alsufyani business consulting

Implementation Supervision

In running our projects, we focus on implementation aspects of the solutions that we provide, while focusing on the Implementation supervisor we pay attention to the knowhow and knowledge transfer to our client’s team through team participation…

Who we are

‏Al-Sufyani business consultancy provides a range of advisory services in the field of organizational assessment, restructuring services, developing/updating and bench marking the strategies and operational plans, and institutional performance development services. In addition, we provide ‏training programs supported by practical implementation and projects/assignments.


Performance Development

Applied Training


Year of giving


Company / Organization / Firm


Charitable Organization



Management Consulting & Training Services

Organizational general assessment

Organizational general assessment of the company current situation covering all organizational aspects using Mckinsey 7S’s framework.

Structuring and restructuring

Structuring and restructuring Based on the gap analysis and assessment findings, a full manual of policies, Standard operating procedure (SOPs) and forms to be devolved.

Updating & benchmarking strategies

Based on the in-depth analysis and review of the available business plan, an updated version of the company strategy and operational plan is generated and devolved.

Family charter “constitution”

Family charter is a documents contains ground rules that helps in maintaining the balance and overlap between family, ownership and management.

Training programs "Train & Apply"

Train-apply programs designed for executive and first line managers. The programs aim to build a ground base of knowledge, skills and attitude that improve managers effectivities and quality of communication.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance is a set pf system and process by which companies are directed and controlled. It covers transparency in decision-making and confirm the protection of different stockholders interests.

Training programs "Train & Apply"

Follow us on YouTube

You can now follow the most important administrative videos through our YouTube channel, through which we seek to provide an added value in the field of management and business, which is of interest to every business owner and every individual within the company or institution. 

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